SHIMSHON AND HEATHER CHADDOCK - Born in America, Shimshon and Heather were called to New Zealand from Israel to minister to Maori. Shimshon is a Messianic Jew and prophet who carries a message for the people of this land. He travels the country preaching the good news of the Messiah on marae, in prisons and in churches.
STEVEN BRUINING - Born in the Netherlands, Steven was brought up in New Zealand. One of the instigators of the weekly Young Adult's Bible Study at Katikati Christian Centre, Steven now serves the Lord through YWAM in Holland setting up and running prayer schools
KORONIVIA ASSEMBLY OF GOD CHURCH - KORONIVIA, FIJI - Koronivia A/G is pastored by Joseph Mudaliar whose parents and brother's family are long time members of the Katikati Christian Centre. We have supported Koronivia for many years, sending mission teams as well as funds to help with the work they are doing in Fiji. We are encouraged to see how the church has grown over the years.
Pastors Enoch and Nirmala Gounder were the original pastors at the Koronivia Church in Fiji. When they immigrated to Katikati, they fellowshipped at Katikati Christian Centre for over a year until the Lord called them to begin a church in Tauranga. Katikati Christian Centre supported them as they began their new venture. Nirmala Gounder regularly comes and speaks in our services.
EHILET HADERECH MESSIANIC FELLOWSHIP - KARMIEL, ISRAEL - Yossi Ovadia, pastor of the Kehilet fellowship in Karmiel. As a church we have decided to prayerfully support the work that Pastor Yossi and his congregation are doing in the north of Israel. www.kehilathaderech.org/english